3 and filepicker

Jonas Norlander jonorland at
Tue Dec 2 17:28:52 UTC 2008

2008/12/2 O. Sinclair <o.sinclair at>:
> Installed OOo3 and it runs just fine BUT the filepicker is crap and I
> can not find anywhere to get it to use the KDE filepicker as 2.4 did.
> Anyone has ideas or sorted this problem?
> Sinclair

I have Open office 3 and it using what looks like the KDE4 open/save dialog.

Tools --> Options --> --> General-> Open/save is unchecked.

I do have one problem with it and it is that when open/saving a file
the dialog opens up spanning the whole screen width and OO is not the
only program doing that but i don't remember the other programs right

/ Jonas

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