find modem

John Heinen hensandpat at
Fri Aug 22 02:35:04 UTC 2008

Bruce Marshall wrote:
> On Thursday 21 August 2008, John Heinen wrote:
>> I am so sorry Bruce, I didn't mean you as a novice, I am the novice, I
>> have worked with the graphical programs so much for so long that I have
>> very litlle understanding of writing  commands or instructions.
>> So when you wrote make it executable, what do you do?
>> Again my apologies.  John Heinen
> I didn't take it that way.   No problem.
> to make something executable, you need to change its permissions.
> chmod +x /<path to>/
> Then execute it.   If you are in the same directory as the run module, 
> ./
> if not:
> /<path to>/
Blessings to you

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