re dual boot Kubuntu 8.0.4/Ubuntu 8.0.4

Alan GrokIt at
Tue Aug 12 21:51:39 UTC 2008

On Tuesday 12 August 2008 2:16:12 pm Sylviane et Perry White wrote:
> I don't have a fundamental objection agains private mails but I think it is
> still better in this case to keep this topic in the list (they can correct
> me if I go wrong)
> On Monday 11 August 2008 22:35, you wrote:
> > I mean I do not understand the steps to load in Kubuntu?
> When you install it from the live or alternate CD (hope that is still
> relevant for 8.04 because I never tried it) you will be asked where to
> install, and perhaps where to place grub.
> Does that answer your question?
> > also I dual boot
> No binary choice there, "dual" boot is just a shorthand for "plural"
> boot... Grub will be installed somewhere and give you all the available
> choices if you have more than 2.
> > at the moment with the primary drive as Hddo(drive c) xp pro sp3 and
> > secondary hdd1 (drive d) as Me o/s, so wouldnt I dual boot to show Me o/s
> > on drive d Hdd1 and install kubuntu on this drive, as I only want to
> > replace my Me o/s with Kubuntu,
> You then *have* to install Kubuntu where Me o/s is.
> > but keep xp pro sp3 as my dual boot
> > ?????????
> Grub will notice there are only 2 systems left, your xp and the new Linux,
> and will make entries for those. That's what it (or Lilo) always did to me.
> Of course it always better to make a backup of your most important data in
> case something goes wrong (and I take no responsabilities) ... but I don't
> expect any problems.
> To be on the safe side, check what I said in my previous answer, if it is
> possible to change the booting order in the BIOS to hdd1 and if it is
> possible to place grub there.
> Perry
> --
> BOFH excuse #232: Ionization from the air-conditioning

I agree, I just got home and realized that I replied off list when I couldn't find the post I sent!
By the way, thanks for the grub info.  I was installing kubuntu in virtualbox as I was writing the 
howto and when I got to that part I saw what you were talking about.  I never changed it before.

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