NBC will not play video for linux!! Time for a lettering?

Art Alexion art.alexion at verizon.net
Tue Aug 12 14:16:12 UTC 2008

Hash: SHA1

On Tuesday 12 August 2008 7:04:56 am Knapp wrote:
> They could also broadcast via Torrent with very little costs incurred.
> Control is what this is about.

You ignore the cost involved in actually producing the video, sending 
equipment, crews and sports journalists to Bejing and the exorbitant 
licensing fees paid to the IOC (which may or may not be shared with the host 

This is an expensive operation for the broadcasters.  The commercial 
broadcasters, like ABC in the US, offset this expense with advertising.  
Advertisers pay for exposure, the more exposure, the more they are willing to 
pay.  It is in the advertiser and broadcaster's interest to have the broadest 
possible access to the content.  It is in the interest of the licensor, the 
IOC, to limit that access per licensee, so that it can sell more exclusive 
licenses to more broadcasters.

ABC does not want Americans to bypass ABC in favor of the BBC.  The IOC 
entices ABC to pay the high fees by promising that ABC will be the only 
source for Americans.  It enforces that promise by requiring each national or 
regional broadcaster to block IP addresses coming from countries or regions 
where other licensees have exclusive rights.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


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