A note on Kubuntu 8.04 beta version (KDE4)

O. Sinclair o.sinclair at gmail.com
Tue Apr 8 07:50:10 UTC 2008

Leticia Hernández wrote:
> 2008/4/8, Knapp <magick.crow at gmail.com <mailto:magick.crow at gmail.com>>:
>      <snip>
>     I think the real question here is, what is the advantage to dolphin?
> Really? I think the question is, why so much hate? No one forces you to 
> use Dolphin. And are any of you KDE developers? Is anyone here spending 
> their free time coding or writing patches to make this apps better? I'm 
> not. I'm a proud KDE user and I truly value the time and effort this 
> people put in everything they do for me. I love Dolphin, I really do. If 
> you don't like it, don't use it. Isn't that the beauty of free software?

Agree totally. I don't like Dolphin and I don't use it - but others do. 
I fail to see the problem, it is not overly complicated to set Konqueror 
to be your default filemanager.


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