Some oddities in 8.04 beta

Alain Muls alain.muls at
Sat Apr 5 11:07:27 UTC 2008


I am successfully running 8.04 beta with compiz enabled. This is the 
first release that gives such a great experience on my ATI X1400 card, 
and I have tried about everything from PCLinuxOS to SuSE and RH. However 
there are some minor problems remaining.

1. I used vpnc for accessing the work Cisco VPN. It connects but after a 
minute or so, the connection drops. Apparently the 7.10 version holds 
out, so I installed that one.

2. The logout does not work, I have to force a logout by pressing the 
Ctrl-Alt-Del combination.

3. The superkaramba widgets are only available on a single desktop.

Tx for the very good work.

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