Samba Samba!

Donn donn.ingle at
Wed Sep 19 19:13:31 UTC 2007

> A quick look suggests that you really need to believe 
> the message and recheck smb.conf, since all the similar problems appear to
> be from reading the config file.
Okay, I guess I'll have to go further afield to scrape-together a working 
smb.conf. Man, this thing is a pig!

> > I get no obvious errors when I start samba.
> I'd say that was an obvious error :-)
Well, I meant right there on the command line after starting samba. Digging in 
a compressed log file is hardly obvious!

> btw, I trust you're checking the smb.conf in /etc/samba/smb.conf, not the
> one I just found in /usr/share/samba/smb.conf!
Yes, I'm hacking the right one! Good call, though, the fool-force is strong 
with me :)


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