Kubuntu vs. Ubuntu

Donn donn.ingle at gmail.com
Wed Sep 19 06:21:03 UTC 2007

> I suspect that there are quite a few like me, who
> really don't want to fiddle with their OS (for the time being), but who
> like various aspects of Linux and, consequently, haven't used Windows for
> awhile.

LTS is nice. I dislike the 6 month "Scrap it all and clear the next month of 
weekends" cycle.

I have been off Windows for almost 6 years, except recently when Kubuntu 
simply could not connect to my ISP via VPN and I was forced onto the XP 
laptop (which is a Toshiba upon which Kubuntu is another whole story). 

I am so happy to be back on Kubuntu (via pppoe) -- everything is just so 
superior to XP.

Oh yeah: Z80A on various plastic boxes, a little C/PM, then DOS and finally 
all the Window Pains up to XP before I made the jump. 


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