Kubuntu vs. Ubuntu

Gene Heskett gene.heskett at verizon.net
Wed Sep 19 05:56:03 UTC 2007

On Tuesday 18 September 2007, Manuel McLure wrote:
>On Tuesday 18 September 2007 10:58:02 Greg Booth wrote:
>> I also started on DOS 6.0, that file manager was SLICK baby !! All
>> applications were installed to hard drive and started from command
>> line. You'll find the linux community tends to be older than most
>> online communities.
>Bah, newbie. I started on a TRS-80 Model I (Level II Basic) with cassettes
>for "file management." 

Gotcha beat, a Quest Super ELF, circa 1977-78, 256 bytes of ram.  I expanded 
it some, built some special I/O for it including video, and left it doing a 
job at KRCR-TV for the next 12+ years.  I've done that with TRS-80 Color 
Computers too, emulating Grass Valleys $20,000 EDISK, 4x faster and better 
(english filenames!) for about $300.

>From there I moved to QNX and DOS (dual boot on a 
>286-based PC with 30 megs of HD space,) from there to Xenix and SCO UNIX,
> and finally started using Windows in the late 3.1 era

Infidel.  :-)  The only reason I booted XP on the lappy was to find out what 
radio was in it, and where the driver was so's I could setup ndiswrapper for 
linux.  Works perfectly.  And to prove to the guy's at circuit city that the 
dvd writer had died when it did.

> (while still working with Xenix and UNIX.)
>Manuel A. McLure WW1FA <manuel at mclure.org> <http://www.mclure.org>
>...for in Ulthar, according to an ancient and significant law,
>no man may kill a cat.                       -- H.P. Lovecraft

I don't know about that, one wag, here about a year ago said that while there 
were "so many cats, but too few good recipes"  :-)

Cheers, Gene
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
Humor in the Court:
Q: What is your relationship with the plaintiff?
A: She is my daughter.
Q: Was she your daughter on February 13, 1979?

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