Kubuntu vs. Ubuntu

Derek Broughton news at pointerstop.ca
Tue Sep 18 16:42:07 UTC 2007

Knapp wrote:

> I have gotten evil email about top posting too! 

I very much doubt anyone sent evil email to Marti.  She was asked nicely not
to top-post.  (and if you don't know what a term means, for heaven's sake,
please _google_ )

I expect when she referred to email, she meant me - and I asked her to
please keep list mail ON the list, and I'd respond there.  It's not fair to
others who are trying to learn too, and it ensures that the OP gets good
advice - because if we give bad advice, someone will quickly correct us.

> I had no clue what 
> they were talking about. At this point I think it means not to write
> under the first persons text but over it, like I am doing now.

No, it means DON'T do that.  It's impossible to have a conversation if
people ignore the conventions.
> Gnome works, if you like it. I run Second Life and all that fine in
> KDE though. What is a 3d chat program?

Marti sent me the contents of her fstab, and it looks completely messed up -
everything outside the usual tree is mounted at /media (rather than a mount
point within /media).  Frankly I think Gnome probably did that... (no, I
don't, I really don't know what did, but that's at the heart of the
problems).  I'll guarantee that one problem is that there's an entry there
for /dev/sdc1 - which I suspect is the usb drive - and KDE is happier with
removables not in fstab at all.

I told her to post it here and we'd fix it.

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