kpdf vs Adobe Reader

Paul S paulatgm at
Tue Sep 18 15:29:10 UTC 2007

Gene Heskett said the following on 09/18/2007 08:23 AM:
> That comment prompted me to fire up the new 8.1.1 version of the reader, after 
> starting a tcpdump session just to see what traffic it might generate.  I 
> opened a local file for display and paged through it some, and not a single 
> byte went out to the network from my machine that wasn't related to fetchmail 
> and spamassassin activity. Over a period of several minutes.
> So I believe that comment to be unfounded paranoia.

It's my understanding that it sends info on documents that include 
options to provide feedback.  So, by itself, it may not.  But, with the 
javascript plugin enabled, it will whenever the document is set up to spy.

Somewhere was a thread explaining this when they came out with the last 
version, which included the nasty plugin.

I've always disabled javascript but I'm not sure that works.


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