kpdf vs Adobe Reader

Gene Heskett gene.heskett at
Tue Sep 18 12:23:30 UTC 2007

On Tuesday 18 September 2007, Paul S wrote:
>Rick said the following on 09/18/2007 12:34 AM:
>> I notice something odd, with print within kpdf,
>> it will not print correct size like Adobe Reader does,
>> why is that...
>> example a pdf file, would only print to half of the page,
>> and at 100%, but adobe reader would print to more than 3/4 of the page,
>> at 100 %
>> Now it both are at 100% for size..then what is going on
>> in the print? very odd.
>Same problem here .. it's a reason to keep adobe even though it spys on
>us.  I never found a fix.

That comment prompted me to fire up the new 8.1.1 version of the reader, after 
starting a tcpdump session just to see what traffic it might generate.  I 
opened a local file for display and paged through it some, and not a single 
byte went out to the network from my machine that wasn't related to fetchmail 
and spamassassin activity. Over a period of several minutes.

So I believe that comment to be unfounded paranoia.

Cheers, Gene
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