Kubuntu vs. Ubuntu

Knapp magick.crow at gmail.com
Tue Sep 18 15:07:46 UTC 2007

I have gotten evil email about top posting too! I had no clue what
they were talking about. At this point I think it means not to write
under the first persons text but over it, like I am doing now.

Gnome works, if you like it. I run Second Life and all that fine in
KDE though. What is a 3d chat program?


PS If I am wrong about this, then everyone has excepted that I am an
idiot and stopped sending me evil email. So Marti don't let them scare
you off! You must have a think skin in public sometimes.

On 9/18/07, Marti Andrews <msmarti_a58 at hotmail.com> wrote:
> I don't know what you mean, top post. I thought it meant don't post to the
> list, one person said to not top post, so I sent it to his email address
> instead, and then he says
> I shouldn't have done that either. I just click reply and type. I don't know
> any other way. This isn't on a website somewhere is it? All these messages
> come to my email account.
> Sorry if I was doing something wrong.
> In any case, I am thru bugging you all. I went back to GNOME. It simply
> works. It's ugly but it works. On KDE everything was hanging and crashing
> and not behaving at all well. Why bother? I couldn't even run Second Life,
> my 3D chat program. I can on GNOME.
> Marti

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