Samba Samba!

Donn donn.ingle at
Tue Sep 18 14:51:33 UTC 2007

> If "donnsbox" is the linux machine, then yes, it's looking for the
> username/password set via smbpasswd.   
> When XP is the client, it asks you 
> for the server's (the linux box) username/password. 
Okay, that's what I assumed. Kubuntu is running the Samba server. But why will 
XP not accept my un/pw combo when I try to "map a drive" ?

> When Linux is the
> client it asks for the Windows username/password.  
Does that mean I have to get a samba server running on XP in order to reach 
across from Kubuntu to XP?

I am really confused about which way samba goes and how.

> Of course, both machines 
> could be using the same Domain Controller, in which case the credentials
> are the same, but lets not confuse things too much!
Damn skippy Mr Spock ;D

> I can't remember where I know that from, but I'm fairly confident I'm
> right :-)
I set a un/pwd in that kcontrol place and I still could not get a drive 
mapped. I (naturally) assume I am being daft!


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