Error message with recent dapper kernel update

D. R. Evans doc.evans at
Mon Sep 17 17:05:10 UTC 2007

lanzen said the following at 09/16/2007 01:34 AM :
> On 15/9/2007, D. R. Evans wrote:
>> So right now I don't know how to get rid of the error message without
>> causing other catastrophic problems.
> I've got that error on my desktop PC. I just let it be and all's well.
> I've got a couple of other errors here on my laptop. Using the same policy as 
> above works. ;-)
> Now I don't know if that's the right way to go about it, but no harm's done 
> apparently.

I am getting random freezes if I don't set noapic, which may or may not be
associated with the error message.

Actually, I've been seeing random freezes ever since I first loaded dapper
on this machine, and I'm wondering whether the new error message is trying
to point toward the cause.

I've been performing occasional google searches for months, and it seems
like there is a small percentage of people who see random freezes with
dapper, but there seems to be no obvious pattern or cause. A few people
have reported that "noapic" makes the problem go away, which it seems to do
in my case too, except that I can no longer burn a CD :-(

I really wanted to wait until the next LTS before upgrading, but I'm now
planning to try the latest gutsy tribe when I return from a business trip
later in the week. I need to have a stable machine, and I need to be able
to burn CDs, and there seems to be no way to have both with amd64 dapper on
my ASUS A8N-SLI Premium mobo.


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