Kubuntu vs. Ubuntu

D. Michael McIntyre michael.mcintyre at rosegardenmusic.com
Mon Sep 17 09:59:56 UTC 2007

On Monday 17 September 2007, Graham wrote:
> Wine has been integrated into the Crossover series of applications from
> Codeweavers and in that environment is a better substitute for running
> Windows programs natively in Linux....but you do have to pay for them
> and they are not "free" in the sense used by Debian nor software libre.

The buyer should also check the list of applications that can be expected to 
work very carefully.  If what you want to run isn't on it, my experience has 
been that you are in effect simply giving a donation to Codeweavers in this 
case.  Unsupported is unsupported.

I had to install virtually everything with "Install Unsupported Application," 
and nothing worked.  It wasn't a wise investment, but that was also probably 
2005.  Maybe things are better now, but I'd still check the current list of 
what they say will work very carefully.
D. Michael McIntyre 

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