netgear wi-fi
vineeth.chandran at
vineeth.chandran at
Mon Sep 17 04:33:40 UTC 2007
I have an WG111v2 netgear wi-fi usb dongle.How can i verify after the
installation that the usb dongle is working? do i need a router for
communicating between 2 usb dongles? if so which router i need for WG111v2 .
On 9/16/07, Graham <grahamtodd2 at> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Sun, 16 Sep 2007 09:56:31 +0530
> vineeth.chandran at wrote:
> > I have an Kubuntu 6.05 installed on my system. I want to know how to
> > get the drivers for the usb netgear wi-fi stuff.I heard there is
> > ndiswrapper which can be used? any idea does kubuntu support
> > ndiswrapper?
> [snipped]
> First to the easy part of your question: yes, Kubuntu does support
> ndiswrapper.
> However, this may not be what you need. Is the usb wi-fi "stuff" a usb
> dongle? Or a usb modem?
> If it is a usb dongle, it *should* work as a a usb device, and any
> version of the kernel beyond 2.4.x will support it. However, I have
> heard of some usb wi-fi dongles which search for elements of the
> Windows operating system before activating (much like winmodems). You
> have not specified the hardware for which you want drivers so its
> impossible to say whether this is the case.
> For what its worth, I have found the TP-Link TL-WN321G dongle (or as
> they refer to it "wireless usb adaptor") to work well with a TP-Link
> TL-WR541G wireless router *and* a D-Link DI514 router, but only when
> there is no other wireless PCI adapter installed, there is no wired
> connection to the router through the NIC card, and there is "line of
> sight" between the dongle and the router. This has been confirmed under
> both Kubuntu and Mepis distros.
> I noticed, however, that the signal strength from my TP-Link router was
> not very high when tested on my wife's PowerMac G4 in another room,
> until I built a home made parabola for the antenna (with the help of
> some of the very helpful people on the list) and raised the router on
> top of a wardrobe. The point I am making is that your dongle might not
> be working due to factors other than the lack of software.
> Modems that are connected via the usb port are a different matter, and
> I would have to know the precise details of your wi-fi set-up before I
> could hazard a guess.
> - --
> Graham Todd
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Vineeth Saraschandran
Embedded software Developer
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