apt-get error -> resizing partitions.

Derek Broughton news at pointerstop.ca
Wed Sep 12 12:35:20 UTC 2007

D. Michael McIntyre wrote:

> On Monday 10 September 2007, Derek Broughton wrote:
>> I would suggest that, unless it is necessary to have a /boot because
>> you're sharing it with multiple other OSes (unlikely with a mere 37M
>> partition), you'd be better off to just move all of /boot back under /,
>> completely remove the /boot partition, and reinstall grub (so that it
>> points to the
>> right partition).  The major problem with having a /boot partition is
>> that it's a complete waste of space to give it more room than you need
>> for at most two images, but occasionally you want a third, or fourth...
> I second all of this wholeheartedly.  I shied away from proposing this
> solution because I'm not sure what happens with GRUB, and especially not
> with this weird new partition naming scheme.

Yeah, it's going to cause a headache.  I should have suggested that it be
done slightly differently.

1) _copy_ (not move) all of the /boot files under the / partition
2) _add_ (not change) a boot stanza to grub, renaming the boot partition
3) boot into the new settings - if you got it wrong, boot to the old
settings :-)
4) if it booted to the new settings, you can drop the /boot partition and
the boot stanzas for it in grub.

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