Contact management

WJ Seidl wjsvt at
Tue Sep 11 19:53:19 UTC 2007

damian wrote:
> <div class="moz-text-flowed" style="font-family: -moz-fixed">I have a 
> small business and would like a contact management system which is 
> easy to browse contacts and look at all previous correspondence. It 
> would also be good to be able to 'tag' people into different 
> categories (eg friend, supplier, customer). Ideally it would be good 
> to be able to set up my own fields for input but I worry that the more 
> I configure something the more chance there is that I'll break it and 
> loose everything. The thought of loosing all the data, or the data 
> becoming obsolete because I used the wrong program is enough to keep 
> me just having individual txt files in a directory at the moment.
> Any thoughts?
> Cheers
> Damian
> </div> 

> Damian:
Might I suggest a program for email, such as Thunderbird?
I too run a small business, and archive email correspondence from 
clients, friends, suppliers, vendors, etc.
I use Thunderbird.
My contact list runs to about 2000 entries now, sorted into different 
"groups" such as the above.
Worth looking into.

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