[kubuntu-users] kde4 beta2

Terence Simpson stdin at stdin.me.uk
Tue Sep 11 06:26:18 UTC 2007

Chris Gow wrote:
> I can say that I seem to be in a similar situation. I just upgraded to gutsy 
> and followed the instructions on kubuntu. When I log into the KDE 4 session, 
> I get:
> - runner
> - plasma developer toolbox
> - where kicker is/supposed to be I get two widgets that say: This object could 
> not be created
> I was under the impression that a number of additional plasma applets were 
> included/available with the beta (judging from articles from the dot and 
> such). As it is, there isn't a lot that I can do within a kde 4 session atm? 
> Even exiting the session I resorted to CTRL-ALT-BACKSPACE :O. 
> Will the kubuntu kde4 packages get updated periodically or is this it till the 
> next kde beta?
> I'm not familiar with kdebase-workspace, what is it supposed to include that 
> isn't in any of the 'standard' kde packages (libs, pimlibs, base...)? I sort 
> of assumed that it would include goodies that haven't made it into the kde 
> trunk yet.
> thanks
> -- chris
> On Monday 10 September 2007 22:33:42 Michael W. Holdeman wrote:
>> Thanks, Terence, works now.
>> Now however the install is just plain. I setup according to the
>> instructions on kubuntu.org. I can loginto a kde4 session, but there is no
>> menu, kicker, etc... only a wallpaper saying a new desktop. And some
>> toolbox that for the most part is non functional.
>> now, I hope noone flames me, I am well aware this is BETA! I like using
>> beta software and attempting to assist a developer in finding bugs...
>> etc... but is this all kde4 is at this time? I did try and install some
>> other kde4 stuff that comes up with the kubuntu installer by filtering on
>> kde4. everything went ok..
>> Is this it, or is there anissue with my system. My 3.5.7 works great with a
>> small hal problem that I need to repair.
>> Mike

This is what KDE4b2 is like right now, the reason that it's not very
usable is that there are no packages for the replacement to kicker (and
some other thing). They are all still in heavy development and just have
not been releases with beta2. In all likelihood the Kubuntu packages
will _not_ be updated, not unless the KDE project releases them as some
sort of pre-beta3 (not likely).

kdebase-workspace was split from kdebase, it has all the core workspace
applications and the startkde script. It is a 'standard' KDE package,
it's just been split off from the man kdebase package.


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