[kubuntu-users] kde4 beta2

Michael W. Holdeman lists at ptfd.org
Tue Sep 11 02:33:42 UTC 2007

Thanks, Terence, works now.

Now however the install is just plain. I setup according to the instructions 
on kubuntu.org. I can loginto a kde4 session, but there is no menu, kicker, 
etc... only a wallpaper saying a new desktop. And some toolbox that for the 
most part is non functional. 
now, I hope noone flames me, I am well aware this is BETA! I like using beta 
software and attempting to assist a developer in finding bugs... etc... but 
is this all kde4 is at this time? I did try and install some other kde4 stuff 
that comes up with the kubuntu installer by filtering on kde4. everything 
went ok..

Is this it, or is there anissue with my system. My 3.5.7 works great with a 
small hal problem that I need to repair.


On Friday 07 September 2007 10:26:36 pm Terence Simpson wrote:
> Michael W. Holdeman wrote:
> > kdebase-workspace says it depends on kde4base, but also conflicts with
> > kde4base??
> >
> > Mike
> That should be fixed now.
> Just so everyone knows, the main beta2 packages _should_ all now be
> available. However, some of the other beta2 modules (like kde4pim and
> kde4addons) are still from beta1, so not all packages are beta2 yet.
> Terence

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