
D. Michael McIntyre michael.mcintyre at
Mon Sep 3 19:20:29 UTC 2007

On Monday 03 September 2007, Laurent Asorne wrote:
> Thanks for the advice. I downloaded the utilities from ubuntu studio but it
> still says the same thing!

Step 1, go to a command line somewhere, and run:

  uname -r

You should see:


(Or whatever the most recent kernel is.  Key word is the "lowlatency" mostly.)

> I tried with other sequencer timers, with no 
> success. Below I post the output message of Rosegarden's actual sequencer
> status, in case that could contain vital infos:

The best one to use is "(auto)" if it works.  Some of the other ones can 
freeze your system.  I forget all the details on this stuff.  It's pretty 

> Rosegarden 1.4.0 - AlsaDriver - alsa-lib version 1.0.13

Also, that's a very old version, if you're up for building a newer one.  I 
don't think it would have any effect on this particular problem one way or 
the other.  I can't really remember what we've done since 1.4.0.

Anyway, let's start here.  If you have the right kernel installed, and you've 
booted it, then we're looking at something more nasty.  There *is* a bug 
report from someone who keeps getting this message even though he is supposed 
to have fixed his kernel.  On SuSE, I think.  So there may be some precedent 
for a real problem here.

Although I'm running Ubuntu Studio myself, and not experiencing that problem, 
so chances are very high it's a config/setup issue on your system.

D. Michael McIntyre 

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