Billie Walsh
bilwalsh at
Sun Sep 2 15:37:30 UTC 2007
Andrew Jarrett wrote:
> Congratulations! Your track record is already better than mine. ; )
Well, two years on another distro taught me a lot. I killed off SuSE
about two or three times a week when I first started.
> That's understandable. I have always been interested in mastering the
> command line, but I realize that others aren't. There are a lot of
> people who get by without the command line, but it may be good to know
> how to use the command to install things ("sudo apt-get install [name
> of package]"). You can use adept if you really want to, but, in this
> case, I find that the command line way is much simpler and quicker.
I do use it some. Especially if all I have to do is copy/paste the
command in. I'm not real comfortable with the syntax and just worry
about killing my system. I'm learning over time. I pay attention to
what's posted on the lists.
> I can up you one. This website has a huge sources.list file. Before
> you use it, though, you should know that it really isn't necessary
> (see bottom of post).
> If you decide to use it for some reason, you can just copy and paste
> the contents of that file into your own file at /etc/apt/sources.list.
> Make sure you edit the file as root (so you can save the changes).
I'll take a look at it.
> I believe that the answer to the mad-mp3 problem was to install libk3b2-mp3.
> sudo apt-get install libk3b2-mp3
> This is probably one of the times that the command line might be more useful.
I got that from one of the posts on the K3B thread. But thanks anyway.
> Realistically, there aren't a whole lot of things to install. If you
> are using medibuntu, you should be covered. Although, you should know
> that it has been found that medibuntu (and automatix) may damage the
> system when upgrading the distro (which you will probably be doing in
> a couple of months). A safer way to get everything you need is to
> visit this link on the Ubuntu website:
I'll take a look at that one to.
I'm not real big on grabbing the "latest and greatest". If I upgrade it
usually is well into the release of the system. Give some time for the
early bugs to get worked out.
In SuSE they have a "factory" repo. I learned the hard way about using
that repo in Yast, like Adept. Get to much bleeding edge stuff in there
and things tend to break. If there is something you just absolutely have
to have download it and install from a local directory.
Which brings up another question. Is it possible to add a local
directory as an install source? I could do it in SuSE. I usually
download everything to a "Download" directory. That way everything is
where I can find it.
> You can use the sources.list file from Treveno's blog if you would
> like, but I don't really see the point. I think it may end up being
> more work than its worth. Also, if I ever have a problem with
> Kubuntu, I always google for "ubuntu [problem/program/topic/etc.]"
> because most everything that works for a Ubuntu user will work for a
> Kubuntu user (they're built on the same system).
I'm still learning my way around Ubuntu/Kubuntu, but I like my
experience so far.
Thank you for your reply. It is greatly appreciated.
Kudos to everyone on the list. The people here are SO much nicer than on
another list I'm on. I have yet to see someone reply "RTFM!" to some
poor noobs silly question [ much like mine ]. Very much a part of my
nice experience. Thank you.
Billie Walsh
The three best words in the English Language:
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