
Andrew Jarrett jarrett.andrew at
Sun Sep 2 14:53:29 UTC 2007

On 9/2/07, Billie Walsh <bilwalsh at> wrote:
> First:
> I have been using OpenSuSE almost exclusively for to years. I decided I
> wanted to see what all the fuss over Ubuntu was about. Not liking Gnome,
> for whatever reason, I decided on Kubuntu. I've been using it
> exclusively for about a month, and have only broken it once [ knock on
> wood ]. Pretty much a record for me on a new OS.

Congratulations!  Your track record is already better than mine. ; )

> Second:
> I'm not much for CLI. I know that may upset many of the purists in the
> Linux Community, but oh well. I'm not a "guru" or a "geek". I'm NOT a
> power user. I don't particularly like to install from source. For some
> reason "tar balls" don't seem to like me very well. I AM probably the
> quintessential home user. So if I can get by on a day to day basis with
> Linux then anyone can.

That's understandable.  I have always been interested in mastering the
command line, but I realize that others aren't.  There are a lot of
people who get by without the command line, but it may be good to know
how to use the command to install things ("sudo apt-get install [name
of package]").  You can use adept if you really want to, but, in this
case, I find that the command line way is much simpler and quicker.

> Third:
> In OpenSuSE they have a list of repos that have things that aren't
> included in the release. Some of the things that Linux users aren't
> supposed to be able to use [ BS ]. The listing isn't easy to find, but
> it's there.
> Now:
> Are there such repos for Kubuntu?
> Is there such a listing for Kubuntu?

I can up you one.  This website has a huge sources.list file.  Before
you use it, though, you should know that it really isn't necessary
(see bottom of post).

If you decide to use it for some reason, you can just copy and paste
the contents of that file into your own file at /etc/apt/sources.list.
 Make sure you edit the file as root (so you can save the changes).

> Reasoning and methodology:
> Yesterday I sort of bumped into the same thing that someone else has
> asked about. The MAD-MP3 thing for K3B. It wasn't something that I
> needed for what I was doing at the time but is something I may need in
> the future. I have a project that I started a couple years ago copying
> my old vinyl and burning them onto CD's. It isn't a priority project so
> it's been slow going.
> I first went to Adept. There are some MP3 packages available but they
> don't specify if they are the "MAD-MP3" packages. From the description
> given I would think they are, or at least provide the same
> functionality. In one of the posts a CLI command was given [ sudo
> apt-get.... ] that returned a package not found. Next I went to my best
> friend on the web, Google. Found the home page for MAD, or at least what
> looked like the home page. Found a source download. *<[:oP Searched
> through the Kubuntu page and didn't find much. Looked through some of
> the KDE pages and still nothing.

I believe that the answer to the mad-mp3 problem was to install libk3b2-mp3.
sudo apt-get install libk3b2-mp3
This is probably one of the times that the command line might be more useful.

> I have managed to get just about everything functioning. A little time
> digging around in Adept found most everything pretty quick. I stumbled
> into the medibuntu site and that helped tremendously.

Realistically, there aren't a whole lot of things to install.  If you
are using medibuntu, you should be covered.  Although, you should know
that it has been found that medibuntu (and automatix) may damage the
system when upgrading the distro (which you will probably be doing in
a couple of months).  A safer way to get everything you need is to
visit this link on the Ubuntu website:

You can use the sources.list file from Treveno's blog if you would
like, but I don't really see the point.  I think it may end up being
more work than its worth.  Also, if I ever have a problem with
Kubuntu, I always google for "ubuntu [problem/program/topic/etc.]"
because most everything that works for a Ubuntu user will work for a
Kubuntu user (they're built on the same system).

> --
> (o:]>*HUGGLES*<[:o)
> Billie Walsh
> The three best words in the English Language:
> Pass them on!
> --
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