External USB NTFS drive
stevenvollom at sbcglobal.net
Mon Oct 29 02:16:00 UTC 2007
Andrew Jarrett wrote:
> On 10/25/07, Steven Vollom <stevenvollom at sbcglobal.net> wrote:
>> lanzen wrote:
>>>> If the drive is Seagate or Maxtor, they preconfigure the drives for
>>>> Windows and Apple/Mac.
>>> I've just recently got a seagate sata /300 (500Gb - slurp). On the box
>>> it says: compatible with Linux. I must say it is. Unfortunately - well,
>>> not so much - I didn't formatted it as NTFS so I can't say what would
>>> have happened in that case.
>> I just purchased a Maxtor One Touch III incl. Firewire800. They are
>> pre-configured to XP or Vista or Mac only. I have heard I can solve the
>> problem any, but haven't so far.
> I, too am getting the "hal-storage-removable-mount-all-option refused
> UID 1000" message with my Maxtor One Touch III (1 TB), but I was able
> to manually mount through the command-line. I haven't figured out how
> to make it automount yet, though. BTW, I am using Firewire (400) and
> not USB to interface with it, but I am not sure if this makes a
> difference.
> Andrew
I am using FireWire 400 too, but I don't currently have Windows on my
computer. I am a newbie. Can you help me manually install my 1TB
Maxtor 800 400 2usb without Window installed? Thanks!
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