anyone running X1400 on gutsy with new ati driver

Paul paulvarjak at
Fri Oct 26 10:21:44 UTC 2007


After upgrading to GG (7.10) I'm running X1600 pro with the 8.40.4
driver (
I used the ATI installer and everything worked fine. This is not the
last version but the last version (8.41.7) is not recommended for ATI
X1900 and lower.

I have to say I'm really surprised by the driver. Using the aticonfig
utility with the apropriate parameters the TVOut finally works fine.
I've been able to clone my desktop to the TV and when I set the
resolution to 1024x768 I'm able to see full-screen movies in my home
TV with a very good quality. The perfect way for not having to burn

I have to say that I haven't tested the 3D performan because I just
don't care about it. So if this can be a problem for you then you
should wait until someone else says something.


On 10/24/07, Paul S <paulatgm at> wrote:
> Anyone running the new ati fglrx driver on gutsy kubuntu with an X1400
> ati card, successfully.  I'm trying to decide whether to install it or
> wait for the next release.  I'm seeing reports on phoronix that gutsy
> users with X1400 get bad video playback and 2D slowness, as evidenced by
> slow scrolling in firefox when running compiz.  But suspend / hibernate
> are claimed to be working.
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