Q: configuring kate to start a new instance

Bruce Marshall bmarsh at bmarsh.com
Thu Oct 25 00:02:39 UTC 2007

On Wednesday 24 October 2007, Donn wrote:
> > The man page implies that in order to get the observed behaviour, KDE is
> > probably actually running "kate -u <file>", so presumably there's a place
> > somewhere I can change that to simply "kate" instead of "kate -u" -- but
> > where do I do that?
> Fish around in kcontrol (run kcontrol, not that horrid Sytem Settings
> thing). KDE Components -> File Ass. -> search for txt, plain -> kate ->
> edit.

No, that was what I thought first off....     But then I opened Konq to a 
bunch of text files, and edited with 'other'   and entered Kate as a command.

I could never get it to start two instances....  no matter what I tried.

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