Q: configuring kate to start a new instance
D. R. Evans
doc.evans at gmail.com
Wed Oct 24 20:41:44 UTC 2007
I am rapidly becoming a fan of the KDE kate text editor. However, one thing
is extremely annoying: when I use kate to edit a file, if there's already
an instance of kate running somewhere (usually on another desktop), instead
of starting up a new instance, the new edit is added to the already-running
Does anyone know of a way to change this maddening behaviour, so that a new
instance of kate is always started?
(This is on a 64-bit dapper system running KDE 3.5.5; kate is version 2.5.5)
The man page implies that in order to get the observed behaviour, KDE is
probably actually running "kate -u <file>", so presumably there's a place
somewhere I can change that to simply "kate" instead of "kate -u" -- but
where do I do that?
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