Uninstall Firefox
darryl.tidd at daaokc.com
Wed Oct 17 03:34:29 UTC 2007
Terence Simpson writes:
> Darryl Tidd wrote:
>> How can I uninstall firefox without uninstalling everything else adept
>> tells me I need to uninstall. (i.e. eclipse-platform epiphany-browser
>> firefox firefox-gnome-support gnome gnome-core
>> gnome-desktop-environment gnome-office gnome-user-guide
>> mozilla-firefox-locale-en-gb ubuntu-desktop ubuntu-docs yelp)
> The simple answer is you can't, all those packages depend on firefox so
> if you remove firefox those packages need to be removed too.
> Terence
The plot thickens. After sending that email, I alt+tab over to konsole to
tell kubuntu no, i don't want to uninstall all that stuff now. A thought I
hit n, for no, but appearantly I hit y+enter or just enter(Y being the
default), so every thing uninstalled. I then deledted all the mozilla
folders, and then typed sudo apt-get install firefox, and only firefox
installed. If I try to reinstall gnome* ubuntu-desktop or others, then
abunch of other stuff installs, particularly openoffice.org packages. I
don't want this because I removed the openoffice packages that came with
kubuntu since the base program didn't work properly. I downloaded OO from
the openoffice.org site to get the program working properly. That being
said, I still have gdm installed and the gnome applications that I use so
the things that were uninstalled with firefox aren't missed. I just wish I
would have figured it out before posting. Oh well, things are working so I
will keep on working.
Thanks all
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