mgetty fax manager enquiries

Denis Gaulin 2050gaulin at
Thu Oct 11 01:52:39 UTC 2007

Oct. 10, 2007

Hi, my name is Denis Gaulin, St-Bruno, Qc.  I read most of the queries
and answers on this list and copy those I think important to learn.
This is very good... The more I go the more I enjoy Ubuntu. Evolution is
great for Email !
Here is my problem.
	I use Ubuntu Dapper, 6.06LTS  and I am not very experienced with this
OS.  My equipment is  a mobo  MSI- 6195 ( K7-PRO )  and a winfax modem ,
Conexant, HCF56K Dat /*fax modem, class 2 built by GVC Corp. ( from a
former IBM APTIVA computer). The modem is connected to the telephone
RJ-4/6  port ( wall plug ).

>From the Ubuntu site I have downloaded the Mgetty  ( 1.1.33-3ubuntu2)
I just installed it using Synaptic .  These compressed files have beeen
installed .
	the following files are present in Synaptic and  installed;
	 mgetty,   mgetty-docs, mgetty-pvftools, mgetty-voice

However I see nothing in my desktop APPLICATIONS section,  nothing
anywhere else. to lead me to configure and initiate mgetty.

The mgetty -docs literature  says that we have to compile the program by
copying policy.h-dist  to policy.h and edit it.   Then edit the Makefile
to specify installation paths . 
I see none of those file in all of the usr or etc /mgetty files.   I
have the impression that this is supposed to be done by Synaptic.....

I tried to search for these files ( policy.h-dist,  policy.h  and
Makefile ) but nothing pertaining to mgetty to give me a clue as to what
to do to configure and start mgetty to run.

All of the /usr/share/mgetty files give no clue
all the /etc/mgetty/mgetty.config,    faxrunq.config,  dialin.config,
sendfax.config  files are said to be only samples of what to write.
Where are the actual config files and how to initiate real

I am lost... anyone could tell me the way to get this program to run ?

Thanking you in advance

Denis Gaulin

2050gaulin at

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