how to disable kubuntu-default-settings

Michael Bach (gmx) bach.michael at
Tue Oct 9 15:13:41 UTC 2007

Derek Broughton wrote:
> Michael Bach (gmx) wrote:
>> Derek Broughton wrote:
>>> Absolutely.  If you were to create a new user with a
>>> kubuntu-default-settings from Dappper, then upgrade to Feisty and create
>>> another new user, probably the two user environments would look
>>> noticeably
>>> different.  The user you've had since Hoary, though, wouldn't see a
>>> change (at least not due to this package).
>> That is exactly the point! Changes (style maybe, but not features)
>> should be introduced/removed by kde, and not by kubuntu-default-settings.
> Why?  Kubuntu doesn't wish to look like a generic KDE.  It's completely
> reasonable for them to "brand" the application.  That's all that
> kubuntu-default-settings does.  
>>> I said that...  It isn't anything you'll ever notice.
>> This holds, providing I never compare two user accounts with application
>>  settings from two different versions of kubuntu. (I'm not talking about
>> the existence /usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings, but rather the
>> implications on application settings and style.)
> Without kubuntu-default-settings, you'd have exactly the same issues between
> two desktop users who were configured initially with KDE 3 & 4 direct from
> KDE.
>> This is probably most confusing for someone who keeps his ~/.kde over a
>> few versions, gets used to style and most important: features, and after
>> a fresh installation, well, style changes, but if features disappear,
>> for me that is most annoying.
> It happens to Windows users, Gnome users and Mac users too.  With KDE, it
> usually isn't a big problem - save & restore the user's HOME and he keeps
> all the old features.  Unfortunately, that sometimes means he misses some
> of the good, new, features.  It's always a trade-off.

Still I'm more than sceptical if this approach is really helpfull.
Talking about myself, the level of frustration I experience if things
are not as they are on other systems/as I am used to it, is perceivably
higher than the excitement of a system "that just works".
In addition, if I see something working on another system (on
screenshots, linux user group etc.) which is not on my system, I wonder
why it's not there. Could be because of another version, easy to find
out. Could also be due to branding, more tedious to find out, which
renders branding very suboptimal in my opinion.
But then again, that might only be me.

I come from slackware, there packages are taken into the distribution as
they come from the developers, no branding at all. Screenshots for
announced application 100% predict what I will get on my pc, unless _I_
have mugged about with the application, not some branding package.

I dug out the changelog of our package under discussion [1]. This pretty
 much tells the whole story of what is really going on.


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