First impressions of dolphin

Derek Broughton news at
Mon Oct 8 12:59:54 UTC 2007

Bernhard Breinbauer wrote:

> On Monday 08 October 2007 wrote Peter Lewis:
>> On Monday 08 October 2007 03:50:19 Juan Carlos Torres wrote:
>> > On Monday 08 October 2007 10:01:19 am John DeCarlo wrote:
>> > > Does Dolphin have tabs?  I couldn't find it in my quick search
>> > > through
>> > > menus and help.  But that doesn't mean they aren't there, lol.
>> >
>> > No. It absolutely doesn't have tabs.
>> Hmm... another annoyance I was just coming to terms with.
>> Is this a design decision then, rather than just something that's not
>> implemented yet? If so, why?
> This is a design decision. Dolphin has a "split view" mode which shows two
> views side by side. In my opinion this is a better solution for managing
> files than tabs.

Ho hum.  Konqueror already has that.  It isn't enough when you're doing any
serious development.  

> PS: You will love dolphin when you see the goodies dolphin brings in the
> life-cycle of KDE4. Even in KDE 4.0 dolphin is already a real eye-catcher.

More ho hum.  It's missing all the goodies of konqueror.

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