"In order to complete the update your computer needs to be restarted."

Derek Broughton news at pointerstop.ca
Sun Oct 7 19:56:26 UTC 2007

Andrew Jarrett wrote:

> On 10/7/07, Peter Lewis <prlewis at letterboxes.org> wrote:
>> On Sunday 07 October 2007 18:24:51 Wulfy wrote:
>> > Peter Lewis wrote:
>> > > Kubuntu just gave me an icon with this as the tooltip... "In order to
>> > > complete the update your computer needs to be restarted."
>> >
>> > Kernel update?  Just about the only thing that happens for on my
>> > system.... :@)
>> Yeah, I think it was a kernel update (and presumably an Adept update,
>> since previous kernel updates haven't generated this message.
>> I'm not convinced that the restart is required in order to "complete the
>> update" though, just to use it.
>> This was just a bit of a blast from the past!
>> :-)
> If it was indeed a kernel update, then wouldn't you expect to restart
> the computer?  When you do a kernel update, you are probably switching
> to a brand new build or version of the entire kernel.  A lot of things
> have changed, so you need to restart the computer and boot into the
> new kernel to test things out.  This is also for the safety of your
> data because the update might break your installation. 

Well, not really.  _Until_ you reboot, you aren't using the new kernel, so
nothing is going to break.  In fact, rebooting is more likely to break it -
but even Linux systems have to reboot occasionally.

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