"In order to complete the update your computer needs to be restarted."

Andrew Jarrett jarrett.andrew at gmail.com
Sun Oct 7 18:05:11 UTC 2007

On 10/7/07, Peter Lewis <prlewis at letterboxes.org> wrote:
> On Sunday 07 October 2007 18:24:51 Wulfy wrote:
> > Peter Lewis wrote:
> > > Kubuntu just gave me an icon with this as the tooltip... "In order to
> > > complete the update your computer needs to be restarted."
> >
> > Kernel update?  Just about the only thing that happens for on my
> > system.... :@)
> Yeah, I think it was a kernel update (and presumably an Adept update, since
> previous kernel updates haven't generated this message.
> I'm not convinced that the restart is required in order to "complete the
> update" though, just to use it.
> This was just a bit of a blast from the past!
> :-)

If it was indeed a kernel update, then wouldn't you expect to restart
the computer?  When you do a kernel update, you are probably switching
to a brand new build or version of the entire kernel.  A lot of things
have changed, so you need to restart the computer and boot into the
new kernel to test things out.  This is also for the safety of your
data because the update might break your installation.  Where's your
fall-back option then?  When you update the kernel it creates a new
boot entry in GRUB so you can test it out and make sure everything
works.  I do not know of any operating system (past or present) that
is able to make a kernel update on-the-fly.  This would kind of be
like a doctor performing heart surgery and only putting in pieces of
the heart that needs to be fixed and then sewing it together rather
than just doing a heart transplant.  Also, Adept might tell you that
you need to restart your computer if you update X/KDE, but you should
just be able to restart the Xserver.


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