Katapult - Can't Start 'xterm'

Greg Booth bootgr at gmail.com
Thu Oct 4 15:44:16 UTC 2007

On 10/4/07, Kenneth Jacker <khj at be.cs.appstate.edu> wrote:
> [ katapult-]
> Shouldn't I be able to start an 'xterm' instance using Katapult?  The
> executable *is* in /usr/bin/xterm, but typing in "xterm<CR>" doesn't
> start the application ... :-(
> I used "Configure Katapult..." and believe I set things up correctly.
> Can *you* run 'xterm' from Katapult?

Isn't konsole the default terminal emulator ? Try running konsole,
then try running xterm from there and see if tells you it's not


The box said 'Requires Windows XP or better'. So I installed LINUX

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