java applets dead slow to load

Derek Broughton news at
Wed May 30 23:39:53 UTC 2007

Robert Menes wrote:

> On 5/30/07, Fred Schaer <fred.schaer at> wrote:
>> I'm really strugling with that : whenever I try to load a page where
>> there is a java applet, I have the feeling the browser (firefox) is just
>> dead and frozen... but if I wait for let's say 2 real minutes, it
>> finally loads the web page.
>> Amongst the webpages is :
>> I could accept that if my computer was very old, but it's a brand new
>> core 2 duo that cann't be so slow... ???
>> Is someone else facing this kind of problem ?
>> I tried with a new profile, and this changed nothing...
>> Any hint ?
> One possibility could be because Sun just recently open sourced the Java
> programming language, and a lot of the implimentations for POSIX-compliant
> OSes are still rather rough around the edges.
> If this is wrong, then I stand corrected and I'll eat my words. With a
> little Ragu on top. :)

That seems excessive, but I don't think "open sourcing" can be related to
the problem.  The actual Sun JRE didn't change (and I don't think they
_have_ actually opensourced, yet, just promised to do it).

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