Ron Morse rbmorse at
Wed May 23 23:10:15 UTC 2007

On Wednesday 23 May 2007 16:39:04 Stew Schneider wrote:
> I set up some computers for a non-profit to run Dapper
> and didn't notice the AMD64 sticker on one. I didn't use
> a 64 bit installation. Any reason I should go back and
> redo?
> stew

Not that I can think of.

My experience with 64-bit Linux is that it doesn't run 
noticeably better or faster than 32-bit Linux installed on 
a 64-bit machine, but it has the added drawback of 
incomplete hardware and software support.

My main box is Intel Core2Duo-based but I run 32-bit Kubuntu 
by choice.  No regrets. 

Ron Morse

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