how do I uninstall Kubuntu and install something different?

Matthew Flaschen matthew.flaschen at
Sun May 20 09:02:39 UTC 2007

Imre Szabo wrote:
> Adept manager signalled a problem now, when I tried to
> upgrade. 

Some details might help.

> let's go back to square one. could someone tell me
> what the steps are to uninstall Kubuntu? (I will use
> some live cd distro after that, like Knoppix)

If you're using a LiveCD, why does it matter what's on your hard drive?
 Anyway, it's meaningless to talk of uninstalling your OS.  You need to
replace it with something; any OS installer these days can reformat your
drive.  If you insist on "uninstalling it" you can do it in qtparted (on
Kubuntu LiveCD).  Just right-click the partition, and click Format, then
okay.  Restart.

Matt Flaschen

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