KDEInit can't launch '/home/...'

Wolfgang Schuch w.schuch at ing-acotec.es
Thu May 17 12:21:11 UTC 2007

I'm working with kubuntu 7.04.
Up to now it was working fine.

Suddenly I can't go to my KDE files. When I click on them, there come up 
messages like "KDEInit can't  launch '/home' or can't launch '/home/...' or 
can't launch '/media/disk/'. When I click on the trash on the task bar, the 
message says: "incorrect URL trash".

What still is working fine is the Konqueror for internet and the Kontakt with 
the KMail.

I tried to start in the recovery mode, but when the moment came to introduce 
the root password, it answers "command not found".

Could somebody tell me please, what I should do now?

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