Different locales for different programs

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at gmail.com
Wed May 16 14:13:29 UTC 2007

On 16/05/07, Terence Simpson <stdin at stdin.me.uk> wrote:
> Dotan Cohen wrote:
> > While I prefer my physical location's locale for KDE and Gnome, I'd
> > prefer English for certain programs such as VMWare Server, Firefox,
> > and KDE's Konsole. How can I set locale on a program-by-program basis?
> >
> > Thanks in advance.
> >
> > Dotan Cohen
> >
> >
> You can do it a couple of ways, either by running the command (from the
> 'Run Command' dialog) and typing "LANG=C [ProgramName]"
> eg: LANG=C konsole
> Or you can edit the menu entry in the KMenu or on the panel and adding
> "LANG=C" before the command.
> The variable "LANG=C" instructs the application to use the default
> language for the application (ie, English), you can also set it to
> LANG=en_US to be sure it's english.

Thanks. Adding LANG=C didin't work for firefox, but disabling the
Hebrew language pack did!

Adding LANG=C before Konsole does in fact make the Konsole GUI Hebrew,
but the command line is still in Hebrew. What I mean is, apt-get and
others still have Hebrew output.

I guess that I'd like my _system_ to be in English, but I'd like KDE
to be in Hebrew. I know that I can have an English system, but how do
I configure KDE to be in Hebrew on such a system?


Dotan Cohen


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