Top-posting, HTML-formatted mail, flaming, shouting and so on, was Re: KUBUNTU

Clay Weber claydoh at
Mon May 14 23:34:01 UTC 2007

On Sun May 13 2007 7:45:37 pm Derek Broughton wrote:

> How friendly do you need?  I ask everybody I'm trying to help to "please
> don't top-post".  If they ignore it, and I'm _really_ trying to be helpful,
> I'll escalate to "PLEASE".  If they make an issue of it, they get plonked -
> I don't _have_ to help people.

But that is the friendly way, I would think, Ask once, maybe twice, then 
ignore. Better than long threads  on the subject ( and I am aware that I am 
participating in one) that can degenerate to usenet-style cesspools.

> It's not SuSE refugees that are causing a problem, it's people who won't
> try to go with the flow and behave like other list members (or can't even
> realize they're using a mail list).  Why should I always have to have
> Ubuntu's official guidelines at hand?  Can't new posters be expected to
> look for them?

Do new users even know that they *should*  be looking for rules on how to send 
an email? Those who find the list via Ubuntu's website may notice the 
etiquette link , but those who get here via Kubuntu's site do not, as the 
link there goes straight to the subscription page.

Clay Weber 

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