Is this in html?

D. Michael McIntyre michael.mcintyre at
Mon May 14 02:39:37 UTC 2007

On Sunday 13 May 2007 5:10 pm, Mark Wallace wrote:
> What is your source on net etiquette? And there is a signature at the
> bottom of your post.

My source for net etiquette is old age, and I detest Microsoft Outlook 
Express, because it is the very application that created top posting.  Before 
Outhouse Express, the term "top posting" didn't even exist.

I concede, having used even the full-featured Microsoft Outlook, that it is 
impossible to post correctly with that software.  Since trillions of people 
are using it, this battle is lost, and email is forever a pale shadow of what 
it once was.

Damn you, Bill Gates.  I hope Melinda is frigid, and all the whores you try to 
buy with your billions refuse to have anything to do with a dweeb like you, 
no matter how rich you are.
D. Michael McIntyre 

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