kubuntu 7.04 on a fakeraid raid 1 (mirroring)

Paul Dufresne dufresnep at fastmail.fm
Tue May 8 22:25:15 UTC 2007

On Tue, 08 May 2007 13:26:54 -0700, "Christophe Guilbert"
> I found many post showing very complicated (and confused) way of doing 
> it, and it was  for  Kubuntu version prior to  7.04.
> Did any  one  could help me installing (one way or another) kubuntu on 
> my fakeraid ?
Googling I came to:
https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto which have helped me
understand what 'fakeraid' means, but that should help you use it too.
Part of it have been updated to 7.04.

http://www.fastmail.fm - I mean, what is it about a decent email service?

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