setting ip addresses question

Gene Heskett gene.heskett at
Sun May 6 06:56:56 UTC 2007

On Sunday 06 May 2007, Earl Violet wrote:
>--- Gene Heskett <gene.heskett at> wrote:
>> So where do I disable its dhcp for eth0, and set it up for
>> /etc/hosts files,
>> with a fixed address?
>> Is there a tool to do this, or do I have to edit one or more files
>> someplace
>> to effect this change?
>There is a tool somewhere in the KDE menu but I usually just go to
>/etc/network/interfaces and edit that file.
># This file describes the network interfaces available on your system
># and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5).
># The loopback network interface
>auto lo
>iface lo inet loopback
># The primary network interface
>allow-hotplug eth0
>iface eth0 inet static
># Wireless network interface
> Earl
Thanks Earl, I should be able to do that just fine.
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Cheers, Gene
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