function keys dead in 6.06 LTS Live dvd installation, need them badly.

Gene Heskett gene.heskett at
Sat May 5 20:25:46 UTC 2007

On Saturday 05 May 2007, Stew Schneider wrote:
>Gene Heskett wrote:
>> I have no idea if those combo's work, but I'd suspect that they would work
>> just fine.  Those are not what I'm referring to however, the ones I want
>> are those keys, without any shift-alt-ctrl-or-winders modifiers, just the
>> plain old F1 through F12 keys all by themselves.  For some totally unk
>> reason, they are totally non-responsive when 6.06 is installed from the
>> live dvd.  But they worked just fine when that box was installed from the
>> original kubuntu-6.06-desktop-i386.iso cd.
>I know this is pretty obvious, but it did happen to me once...does your
>keyboard have a button that enables/disables the F keys? It's labeled
>"F" on mine...

Jeez, do I feel like an idiot.  That is precisely what the problem was.  This 
keyboard did work before, but for some reason now, the led, clear on the 
other end of the board from the pushbutton, has to be lit before the f keys 
work.  I don't recall that being the case before I reinstalled.

Now I ask no one in general, what the hell was logitech thinking that would be 
usefull for?  I can't think of a good reason myself...  Particularly when its 
defeatable from its own keys.  No sense, just another button to confuse he 
frigs, and that it sure succeeded in doing.

Anyway, before I forget it, many thanks Stew, you were absolutely correct.

Cheers, Gene
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arch-enemy -- and that is life.
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