deb packages URL?

Terence Simpson stdin at
Thu May 3 14:34:56 UTC 2007

Alexander Smirnov wrote:
> Hi list,
> I have a PC what has very limited internet connection - it is enought to run 
> apt-get update, but not to run apt-get upgrade.
> I want to upgrade my OS. I know packages' names (copied them from apt-get 
> upgrade output) and I have high-speed internet connection at internet-club :) 
> Club's PCs have Windows installed.
> So, I wonder if there is a way to get packages URLs. If i know them, I will 
> download needed packages using FlashGet at internet club, and then install 
> them on my Kubuntu using dpkg.
> Thank you,
> Alex
Sure there is a way, use "sudo apt-get --print-uris upgrade", that will 
print out the URIs that you'll need to download and the file names you 
need to save them to (in /var/cache/apt/archives/)

Then you can just upgrade as normal.


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