Word Attachments

Art Alexion art.alexion at verizon.net
Tue May 1 12:37:29 UTC 2007

On Monday 30 April 2007 17:02, anthony baldwin wrote:
> No client has ever complained of errors in the formatting of the final
> product.  Ever.
> Most of them don´t even know I am not using windows and msorifice.

This doesn't surprise me.  I would guess that most people only use 10% of the 
features of any word processor, and few use complex formatting.

The challenge for me is that I had a lot of Word templates that constructed 
documents with dialog prompts via VBA.  While OOo imports the VBA code and 
does a decent job converting the fields, it does not actually convert the 
code, and I have not yet taught myself any of the languages supported by OOo.  
It would be nice if it did convert some of the code as that would be an 
example I could follow for learning OOo supported code.


Art Alexion

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