How to list an UUID?

Joe(theWordy)Philbrook jtwdyp at
Sat Mar 31 17:03:36 UTC 2007

Hash: SHA1

It would appear that on Mar 29, Daniel Pittman did say:

> If you mean "it is hard to add a UUID to fstab" I would have to
> disagree; running 'blkid /dev/sdXN' and putting the result into place is
> probably less difficult than working out how to format the device in the
> first place.

Not for me. formatting the device and inserting the appropriate /dev/ data
into things like /etc/fstab is easy. figuring out how to use an
unfamiliar blkid to produce output that doesn't visually mean anything to
me when I manually edit such files is hard to want to do. And would
require leaning yet another tool...
> Also, notably, the folks who are not comfortable with finding the UUID
> will generally be using the friendly GUI tools that automate the process
> for you.

Ah but, I've yet to meet a gui tool I thought was even half as user
friendly as even classic vi (never mind vim) is when the configuration
file is reasonably well commented. And _IF_ I were comfortable with
letting the gui do it, I'd probably not even have noticed the change to
UUID, thus I wouldn't be among those who are NOT comfortable with
finding the UUID...(though actually it's more a case of not being
comfortable using an partition id that I can't visually recognize.) 

Though to be honest, I'm just as frustrated by the prevalence of the use
of LABEL. I sometimes back up an entire linux file system via "tar -cpzf"
And may restore it to a different partition later using "tar -xpzf" with
- --numeric-owner (editing, of course, the relevant /etc/fstab and grub
files involved) So the label often refers to a previous use for the
partition and is confusing in places like the output of fsck...
I find /dev/hdX and/or /dev/sdX is much easier to work with. Though if I
were to start using removable media that didn't get a consistent device
file, I'd use LABEL long before I'd put up with UUID, at least the label
could be something intended to be recognized by a human...

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