
Priyadarsan Roy priyadarsanroy at
Sat Mar 31 05:45:57 UTC 2007

Oscar Farfán wrote:
> I know this post doen't belong here.... but does anybody is working with 
> squirrelmail.... we need some help to vinculate two servers.... the 
> thing is that we have too many accounts and we want to separate those in 
> two diferent servers.... but we only want to use one address to acces 
> the squirrelmail via webmail.... and the first server must check if the 
> account that a user is accesing, resides on it, if not this server must 
> check in other server if the account resides there, and let the user 
> access I explain?
> regards
> Oscar
Try this plugin

I have not tried the plugin myself. I would sure like to have some 
feedbacks if you plan on testing this out.


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