fdutils - what is wrong with this utility!

Denis Gaulin 2050gaulin at videotron.ca
Sat Mar 31 21:17:18 UTC 2007

17.10hrs - 2007-03-30

	I  run Kubuntu 6.06LTS   In adept manger it says that this utility is 
installed and working yet nothing happen to my drive... It does not even go 
see if I put a floppy in the drive.

	I guess that my fduitls does not work anymore.   There is no way I can access 
my 3 1/2 floppy drive.<
	Have tried  -   sudo apt-get install fdutils  - The answer is '' ressource 
temporarily not available''
	Does that mean that there is a problem to be fixed and it will come back or 
do we have to do something else to get a working fdutils?

Denis Gaulin

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